måndag 3 januari 2011

Day 1

Alright... Focus. Breathe. Air in, air out. You're gonna make this.

Aaaaaaand... Action!

There she goes, humpybumpy with the little baby sleeping in the pram, bouncing up a slope. Ten minutes warm-up, then we continue with intervals.

I found a slightly leaning, empty walking way and parked Dina at the top. Then I measured how long I could run in twenty seconds, and then how long I came on twenty seconds walking. That's one interval. Eleven to go.


Four people stopped and leaned curiosly over Dinas pram, and then looked at me. Their comments when I closed in to them, were quite entertaining: "I thought you were a newspaper runner, but there's a little baby lying there!", "Hey, have you dropped anything? What? Oh, you're training! Ahaaaaa".

When I was finished, I took a ten minutes calm jog back to my house. Today's workout was really a walk in the park, but I still realize I have a lot to develop in running steps, breathing technique, efficiency...

You know what this was?

My very first training session in my triathlon training.

It has begun.

Ironman awaits.......

Today's workout:
Running Intervals. 10 min jog for warmup, then 12 intervals of 20s running and 20s walking. Then 10 min jog for "warmdown"... Stretch.

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