torsdag 6 januari 2011

Day 4

Legs... Dead... Can't... Feel... Them...

Or, well, that's not entirely true. My legs aren't dead, not yet anyway, they're more like... Unconcious. Spaghetti-like. And boy if I feel them! Every step I take painfully reminds me of their existens. But, despite my musche ache, I feel more vigorous than ever and I jump high out of pure happiness.

Today was supposed to be my long-distance-run-day. 60 minutes of nonstop running. Hrrm, right. The fact that an aggressive snowstorm gusted outside the windows wouldn't be that much of an obstacle, if it wasn't for the fact that I always push a bloody pram in front of me at every run. The pavements weren't shoveled, either, so today I estimated the physical resistance to about 200 % of what it usually is... Lovely. My heart pounded like crazy, and moreover, I got asthmatic symptoms. So, it didn't take long before I decided to make a little adjustment of today's intensity. I walked whenever I needed to catch breath, about a third of the whole distance, and I cut off 10 minutes.

Everybody's in different conditions at the beginning of a new challenge. Clearly, my body wasn't ready for this much strain. Not yet. But God Forbid that this would make me give up! Noooooo. The next week I'll try for a whole sixty minutes again. Nonstop running. Wish me gain ;)

Workout of the day:
Running Long-Distance 50 min, checquered running and walking

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