onsdag 5 januari 2011

Day 2

Whoa. Three workouts at one day..! Slow down, perhaps?


I started with a strength pass in running. 40 min and alotta slippry slopes. Tip-tap down and power steps up. Great mind rinser, too. Now I've only got the long-distance run left for this week! Feels good.

Later at night, I made my first swim pass ever. This one, and four more, are dedicated to get used to the water, and find a good crawl technique. Gotta say I did not find it today... Despite pedagogical instructions from Nico. Apparently, it was rather amusing to look at me splashing around down there in the pool, legs and arms sprawling at all directions. I don't think it will be too difficult to get control over my limbs. But the breathing..! I almost thought I would drown today. And I got chlorine all the way up in sinus. Mmm, wonderful.

I tried to turn underwater at the edge of the pool. Think I must have been seriously confused, since I rather than turning and twisting into the right position to swim back to the first edge, always seemed to make some sort of a somersault and get up above the surface totally disorientated.

I also tried to dive from the ledge. It went qiute well, on the third attempt. Though I gotta learn not to overbend and almost make a volt before landing. Hmm... I clearly gotta do some practice of, lets say, everything, before I will even have a chance to develop in speed and move efficiency.

Directly after the swim pass, I made an ordinary weight pass. Nicolai was keen to help me putting together a gym programme suited for my new needs of muscle endurance. Right now I'm trying out one of two alternatives: the entire body gets a work-through each of the weeks two passes, but we focus on different muscle groups at each pass. At the end of the next week, I'll switch to alternative 2, that concentrates on upper body at pass 1 and legs at pass 2. We'll see which one I'll continue with, when my "testing period" is over. I'm trying out the alternatives for 1 month each, and after that I'll decide which one I'll continue with.

Workout of the day:
Running: "Strength" 40min, varying altitudes. 
Swimming: "Playaround", 30 min. Trying of new techniques a.s.o.
Gym: Standing thigh curl, 3*12, xkg - dun' remember :P
     Rolling Back lift, 3*12, 5kg
     Standing crossline in cable machine, 3*12, 5kg
     Abdomen cramp, 5*20, 5kg

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